Saturday, July 17, 2010

$3 Million in 6 Months With Adsense!

The Power Play Interviews: Markus Frind- $3 Million in 6 Months
This is the first in a series of Web Success Tales that you will start to see on the Power Play Weblog. Hope you enjoy them!
Markus Frind, the creator of is a success story worth noting, as he's managed to take a niche formerly ruled by giant corporations & give it his own brand of promotion savvy. A case of David vs. Goliath, where the small man comes out on top in the finish. Markus is the top "individual" adsense publisher in terms of pageviews. Lets find out what a quantity of his secrets are as he shares some advice with our readers. Feel free to comment!
Markus, what is your experience in computer programming & how did it prepare you for becoming a webmaster?
The average pageviews a day is around 14 million for the last week. I am getting another 80 million pageviews a day from users polling the site to see in the event that they have new messages. intensive bandwidth wise!
When I go to your web-site, I notice that the ads are targeted to my region, yet I have not even registered- are you able to describe to our readers the way you accomplish this feat?
I am using Fundamentally i take your IP, look it up in the database & it tells me what your city is. I then bring up a list of users in your city, nothing magical about it at all.
Are most of your visitors coming primarily from search engines (SERPS), or are you finding that they come from other avenues? Do you actively promote in the media?
Search engines account for something like 2% of my traffic. The large majority of my traffic, like any other site with over 5 million pageviews a day comes from word of mouth, & repeat visitors.

The services on your site appear to be offered at no cost to the registrants. Is there some advantage you have over your competitors that lets you do this?
I have developed new algorithms that let me generate a mega site for next to no cost. Several years ago I created algorithm that was thousands of times faster then the algorithm used in the 1990's to discover a string of 22 prime numbers. At the time a professor used several tremendous computers & hundreds of regular computers over the coursework of several years to discover a record. I did the same thing on 1 computer in 2 weeks.
Fascinating! Are there any other sites you currently maintain, or is the one?
Its the only site at the moment. I have got a few other sites I registered for friends so they could learn to do marketing/affiliate stuff. At this point i think 1 site is .
Any tips for those looking to generate a profitable endeavor on the net?
IF somebody else thinks what you are doing is a icy idea I'd say it is not... Find something no one else thinks is important & build up a site with large traffic in that area. Also keep in mind, sites that have low monetization today but have traffic may be the gold mines of tomorrow. In the net world anything & everything will be monetized at some point & traffic is king.
Traffic is King- wise advice, Markus. One last question- How do you find the time to maintain such a large commodity on the net? Surely you must have some other interests in life besides programming & web-site monitoring?
It only takes a hour a day on average, but its tiring work. I spend the other couple of hours reading & seeing what is going on.

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